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Compliance Communication - Porter Stations

Published: October 22, 2024

As the Managing Agent for Sutton Fields Homeowners Association Inc., it has come to our attention that we have had several compliance violations or compliance related matters occurring throughout the property. As a courtesy, we would like to take this opportunity to remind all homeowners that the dumping of trash/mail into dog porter stations is prohibited. Porter stations should only be used for disposal of pet feces in plastic bags.

As a reminder below are the Pet Rules and Regulations:

    1. Owners must clean up pet waste after their pets at all times by using the designated areas of the community.
    2. Owners shall keep pets on a leash whenever outside the confines of the home or a fenced yard, if applicable.
    3. Please use the provided dog stations solely for your dogs waste and no other trash.
    4. Pets shall not be permitted to run free through the Property.

Thank you for your continuing efforts to keep our community safe and clean. Should you have any questions we encourage you to:

Utilize our web submission tool located on your communities Association website at . Please make sure you are registered and logged in then click on the Contact Us Tab and follow the prompts to submit your web submission. Once you are registered, you will have access to various resources and benefits.

Sutton Fields HOA

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